• Access - To call up information which is out of storage. 
  • Access Time - The amount of time it takes for requested information to be delivered from discs and memory. 
  • Accumulator - A local Storage Area called a register, which the result of an arithmetic or logic operation is formed. It contains a single data register. 
  • Active Cell - The cell in MS Excel with dark boundary is called the active cell. 
  • ALU - It stands for Arithmetic Logical Unit. All calculations in computer are done here. 
  • Amplifier - The circuit board that plugs into a computer and gives it additional capabilities. 
  • Analog Computer - Computer that operates on data which is in the form of continuous variable physical quantities.
  • Android - It is a Linux based operating system designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as Smartphones and Tablets computer
  • VERSIONS OF ANDROID (OLD TO NEW) : Cupcake → Donut → Eclair → Froyo → Gingerbread → Honeycomb → Ice Cream Sandwich → Jelly Bean → Kit-Kat → Lollipop → Marshmallow → Nougat → Oreo → Tiramisu 
  • Algorithm - A step-by-step procedure design to solve a problem or achieve an objective. 
  • Alphanumeric - A character said that contains letters, another special characters such as @, $, +, *, %, etc. 
  • Archieve - It provides Backup storage. 
  • Application Software - It is designed to perform some specific application such as payroll, word processing, graphics etc. 
  • Assembler - A program that translates mnemonic statement into executable instruction. 
  • Backup - Storage of duplicate files on desk, diskettes, other form of magnetic medium (such as tapes) as a safety measure in case the original medium is damaged or lost. 
  • Backspace Key - A key is used on the keyboard to delete that text. Backspace will delete the text to the left of the cursor. 
  • Barcode - A bar code is a machine readable representation of information in a visual format on a surface. The first Barcode system was developed by Norman Joseph Woodland and Bernard silver in 1952. 
  • Bandwidth - The maximum amount of data that can travel in a communication path in a given time, measured in bits per second (bps). 
  • Basic Input Output System (BIOS) - Also known as ROM BIOS. It provides abstraction layer for the hardware that is a consistent way for application programs and operating system to interact with input/output devices. 
  • Batch Processing - Data is processed in a batch. 
  • Binary Code - The language used by computers in which data and instructions are represented by a series of 1s and 0s. 
  • Bitmap - A method of storing a graphic image as a set of bits in a computer memory. To display the image on the screen, the computer converts the bits into pixels. 
  • BIOS - It stands for Basic Input Output System. This program is stored in ROM. 
  • Bit - It is the short form of Binary Digit. 
  • Blog - It is a discussion or informational site published on the World Wide Web. 
  • Bluetooth - The protocol that permits up information between computers, cell phone and other electronic devices within a radius of about 30 feet. 
  • Booting - Booting is bootstrapping process which starts the operating system when a computer is switched on. 
  • Boot Loader - It reads the main portion of the operating system for secondary memory. 
  • Botnet - It is a collection of internet connected programs communicating with other similar programs in order to perform tasks. 
  • Boot Sequence - A boot sequence is the set of operations the computer performs when it is switched on which loads the operating system. 
  • Buffering- The process of sorting data in a memory device, allowing the devices to change the data rates, perform error checking and error retransmission. 
  • Bug- A software bug is an error, flaw, failure, or fault in a computer program or system produces an incorrect or unexpected result. 
  • Bus- Pathway along with electronic signals travel between the components of a computer system. 
  • Byte- One byte is a collection of 8 bits. 
  • Binary Numbering System- A numbering system in which all the numbers are represented by various combinations of the digits that are 0 and 1. 
  • Cell- Cells are boxes created by the intersection of rows and columns. 
  • Cell Pointer- The boundary of active cell is called cell pointer. 
  • Chip- A tiny wafer of silicon containing miniature electric circuits that can store millions of bits of information. 
  • Command- An instruction that causes a program or computer to perform a function. 
  • Compiler- A compiler is a computer program that translates a series of instructions written in one computer Language (called the source language) into another computer language (also called the object of target language). 
  • Communication- The transmission of data from one computer to another or from one device to another is called communication. 
  • Computer Graphics- Computer graphics are visual presentation on a computer screen. Example are photographs, drawings, line arts, graphs, diagrams, typography numbers, symbols, geometric designs, maps, engineering drawings, or other images. 
  • Cold Boot- When a computer restarts after the power cut is called Cold boot. 
  • Control Panel- It is the part of Windows menu, accessible from the start menu, which allows users to review and manipulate basic system settings and controls. Such as adding hardware, adding/removing software, controlling user accounts, changing accessibility options. 
  • Copyright- It means the material and information are the personal property of the owner or producer. 
  • Counterfeiting- The process of making and distributing illegal copies of software packages. 
  • Chat- The method of communication in which people type text messages to each other thereby holding up conversation over a network such as the internet. 
  • Clipboard- Are holding area in memory where information that has been copied or cut (, graphics, sound, or video) can be stored until the information is inserted elsewhere. 
  • CMOS- A type of computer chip which is able to operate with a very small amount of electricity from a battery. CMOS stands for Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor. 
  • Cookie- A packet of information that travels between a browser and web server. 
  • Crash- Malfunction in hardware or software that keeps a computer from functioning. 
  • Cracker- A Cracker is a person who breaks into a computer system to steal the information as programs for unauthorized use. 
  • Crawler- It is an internet but which systematically browses the World Wide Web, typically for the purpose of web indexing (web spidering). 
  • CU- It stands for Control Unit. It controls the computer system. 
  • Data- Information consisting of letters, numbers, symbols, sound, or images - in a form that can be processed by a computer. 
  • Database- A database is a collection of information that is organized so that it can easily be accessed, managed and updated. 
  • Data Abstraction- It is the reduction of a particular body of data to a simplified representation of the whole. 
  • Data Capture- It is a process of collecting or capturing data from a site on a source. 
  • Data Manipulation- Captured data are manipulated to produce information. 
  • Data Processing- It refers to the process of collecting and manipulating raw data to yield Useful information. 
  • Disk Operating System (DOS) - Hard disk operating system is a computer operating system that can be used as a disk storage device, such as a floppy disk, hard disk drive, or optical disk. 
  • Debugging- Locating and eliminating defects in a program. 
  • Delete- A command to erase storage. 
  • Directory- A list of the files stored on a disc. 
  • Dots Per Inch (DPI) - It is defined as the measure of the resolution of a printer, scanner, monitor. 
  • Download- A copy (data) from one computer system to another, typically over the internet.
  • DBMS- It stands for Database Management System. It is a software package to manage database. 
  • DHTML- It stands for Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language. It is used to create dynamic content on web pages. 
  • Dial up Networking- It is the method by which computer is connected to the internet using telephone. 
  • DOS- It stands for Disc Operating System. It is an operating system. 
  • Editing- The process of changing information by inserting, deleting, replacing, rearranging and reformatting. 
  • EDO (Extended Data Output) - RAM is a type of Random Access Memory (RAM) chip that improves the time to read from memory on faster microprocessors such as the Intel Platinum. 
  • E-Mail- Electronic mail, abbreviated e-mail is a method of composing, ending, storing and receiving messages over electronic communication systems. 
  • Encapsulation- It is a mechanism that Associates the code and the data it manipulates into a single unit and keep them safe from external interference. 
  • Encryption- In cryptography, encryption is the process of encoding messages (or information) in such a way that hackers cannot read it, but the authorized users can access it. 
  • Entity- An entity is something that has certain attributes or properties which may be assigned values. 
  • Ethernet Card- Network adaptor that enables a computer to connect to an Ethernet. 
  • Ethics- Ethics are rules and beliefs. 
  • Execution Time- The total time required to execute a program on a particular system. 
  • Export- To save information from one computer or program to another. 
  • Fax- It stands for ’Facsimile Machine’. It is used to transmit a copy of a document electronically. 
  • Field- The attributes of an entity are written as fields in the table representation. 
  • File- A collection of information stored electronically and treated as a unit by a computer. The file must have its own distinctive name. 
  • File Manager- The file manager is an Operating System utility that provides a user interface to work with the file system. 
  • File Server- A computer on a network that stores the programs and data files shared by the users. 
  • Firmware- From where is the technology which has the combination of both hardware and software. 
  • Fax Modem- A device building to attach to a computer that serves as a facsimile machine and a modem. 
  • Floating Point Numbers- Signed numbers held in a traction exponent format. 
  • Floppy Disk- A floppy disc is a data storage device that is composed of a circular piece of thin, taxable (i.e., floppy) magnetic storage medium encased in a square or rectangular plastic walled. 
  • Flowcharts- Flowcharts are the means of visually representing the flow of data through and information processing system, the operations performed within the system and the sequence in which they are performed. 
  • Format- To set margins, tabs, font or line spacing in layout of a document. 
  • Frame- The basic packages of information on a network channel. 
  • Frequency- The number of oscillations of a signal per unit of time. It is usually expressed in cycles per second (CPS or hertz Hz). 
  • Function Key- A special key on a computer keyboard or a terminal devices keyboard that is used to perform specific functions. Keys F1 to F10. 
  • Gigahertz (GHz) - The measurement used to identify the speed of the central Processing Unit. 
  • GML- It stands for General Mark-Up Language. 
  • Graphic Interchange Format (GIF) - A simple file format for pictures and photographs that are composed so that they can be sent quickly. 
  • Graphical User Interface (GUI) - A graphical user interface is a method of interacting with a computer through a metaphor of direct manipulating of graphical images and widgets in addition to text. 
  • Glitch- Hardware problem that causes a computer to malfunction or crash.
  • Hard Copy- Text or graphics printed on a paper, also called a print out. 
  • Hard Disk- A rigid type of magnetic medium that can store large amounts of information. 
  • Hardware- The physical components of a computer. 
  • Host Computer- A computer that provides information or a service to other computers on the internet. 
  • Hacker- A computer criminal that penetrates and tempers with computer programs or systems. 
  • High Level Programming Languages- A high level programming language is a programming language with strong abstraction from the details of the computer. 
  • Html- It stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is used to create web-pages. 
  • Instant Messaging- A chat program that lets people communicate over the internet in real time. 
  • Integrated Circuit- Multiple electronic components combined on a tiny Silicon chip. 
  • Interface- The electrical connection that links to pieces of equipment so that they can communicate with each other. 
  • Intranet- A private network established by an organisation for the Exclusive use of its employees. 
  • Icon- Or symbol (such as a picture or a folder) that represents a certain function on your computer. 
  • Information- Information is the summarization of data according to a certain predefined purpose. 
  • Import- In order to give instructions to a computer, the information has to be supplied to it. 
  • Instruction- A command or order given to a computer to perform a task. 
  • Instruction Cycle- Fetching and decoding operations of the machine cycle. 
  • Interface- A device or program that helps the user to communicate with the computer. 
  • Interpreter- A program that converts and execute the source code into machine code line by line. 
  • Internet Society- It was formed in 1992 to promote the use of internet. 
  • Integrated Circuits- Multiple electronic components combined on a silicon chip. 
  • Java- A programming language designed for programs or applets used over the internet. 
  • JPEG- Joint Photographic Expert Group is an ISO/IEC group of experts that develop and maintain standards for a suite of Compression algorithms for computer image files. 
  • Kernel- It is the fundamental part of a program, such as an Operating System, that resides in memory at all times. 
  • Key Field- Unique field in a record used to distinguish one record from another. 
  • Label- One or more characters used to identify a statement and instruction or a data in a computer program. 
  • Landscape- A printer feature generally controlled by software which rotates output image by 90 degree to print across the length rather than the width of the paper. 
  • Link- A communication path between two Nodes or Channel. 
  • Linux- Type of open source software. When combined with other components, Linux serves as an increasingly popular operating system that competes with Microsoft Windows. 
  • Loop- A sequence of instructions that is executed repeatedly until a terminal condition occurs. 
  • MAC OS- It is an operating system used in Macintosh computer, developed by Apple. 
  • Megahertz (MHz) - A measurement used to identify the speed of the central Processing Unit. 
  • Memory- The part of computer that stores information. 
  • Menu- A list of choices shown on the display screen. 
  • Merge- Combining two or more files into a single file. 
  • Microprocessor- A complete central Processing Unit (CPU) contained on a single Silicon chip. 
  • MIDI- Stands for music instrument digital interface. It allows a computer to store and replay a musical instrument’s output. 
  • Minimize- A term used in a GUI operating system that uses Windows. It refers to reducing a window to an icon or a label at the bottom of the screen, allowing another window to be viewed. 
  • MIPS- An acronym derived from millions of instruction per second (MIPS). It is used to measure the speed of a processor. 
  • Morphing- The transformation of one image into another image. 
  • Modem- It is a device to connect different computer systems to the internet using telephone or cable lines. 
  • MS-DOS- An early operating system developed by Microsoft Corporation (Microsoft disc operating system). 
  • Multitasking- Multitasking can be used to simultaneously work with several programs or integrated task that share memories, codes buffers and files. 
  • Multithreading- It is a facility available in an operating system that allows multiple functions from the same application packages. 
  • Multi User- The term describing the capability of a computer system to be operated at more than one terminal at the same time. 
  • Multiplexer- It is a device that combines multiple input signals into an aggregate signal for transmission. 
  • Notebook Computer- A portable computer, also known as a laptop computer. 
  • Object- Refers to a particular instance of a class as the object can be a combination of variables, functions and data structures. 
  • Online Processing- It is used when data are coming continuously without delay. 
  • Operating Unit- It is used to take output from the computer. 
  • Operating System (OS) - Software that manages the internal functions and controls the operations of a computer. 
  • Open Source Software (OSS) - Free Open Source Software (FOSS), also called just open source or free software, is licensed to be free to use, modify and distribute. 
  • Optical Character Reader (OCR) - A device that can scan text from hard copy and enter it automatically into a computer for storage or editing, also called an optical scanner. 
  • Password- A user’s secret identification code required to access the stored material. 
  • Patch- A patch is a piece of software designed to update a computer program or its supporting data, to fix or improve it. 
  • Piracy- Unauthorized copying of some purchased software. 
  • Pixel- The pixel is the basic unit of Programmable colour on a computer display or in a computer image. 
  • Port- It is the female part of a connection. Computer ports have many uses, to connect a monitor, webcam, speakers, or other peripheral devices. 
  • Portrait- It is a mode in which the printer orients content for reading across the shorter length (the weight) of the sheet of paper. 
  • Plug And Play- The ability to plug in a peripheral and have it work without difficulty. 
  • Primary Key- A primary key is a field in a table which is unique and enables you to identify every record in the table. 
  • Primary Memory- It is the main memory of a computer system. 
  • Program- An established sequence of instructions that tells a computer what to do. The term program means the same as software. 
  • Pseudo Code- Pseudo code is an artificial and informal language that helps programmers develop algorithm. 
  • Push Technology- A process that allows a user to obtain automatic delivery of specified information from the internet to the user’s computer. For example, stock market quotes, weather forecasts, and sports scores. 
  • Query- A query is a request to extract information from a database. 
  • Queue- A queue is an example of a linear data structure, or more abstractly are sequential collection. 
  • Range Of Cells- It is group of neighbouring cells that touch each other. 
  • Record- A record (also called compound data) is a basic Data Structure. A record is a collection of fields, possibly of different data types, typically in fixed number and sequence. 
  • Response Time- The timer computer takes to execute a command. 
  • Retrieve- To call up information from memory or storage, so that it can be processed in some way. 
  • Rich Text Format (RTF) - RTF is a file format that lets you exchange text file between different word processors in different operating systems. 
  • Routing- Routing is the process of selecting a path for traffic in a network, or between or across multiple networks. 
  • Scanner- Scanner is a device that captures images from photographic print, posters, magazine pages, and similar sources for computer editing and display. 
  • Scroll- To move information horizontally or vertically on a display screen so that one can see parts of a document that is too wide or too deep to fit entirely on one screen. 
  • Search Engine- A free program that helps web users locate data by means of a keyboard or concept. 
  • Sector- A sector is a subdivision of a track on a magnetic disk or optical disk. 
  • Secondary Memory- It is the permanent memory of the computer. 
  • Server- A computer that delivers data to other computers (clients) linked on the same network. 
  • Shareware- Software that usually me be downloaded and used initially without charge. 
  • Socket- Network socket is an endpoint of a connection in a computer network. 
  • Software- It relates to sets of programs. 
  • SOLARIS- It is a UNIX like operating system developed by Sun Microsystems. 
  • Sorting- It is arranging of data in order. 
  • Swapping- A process can be swapped temporarily out of memory to a backing Store, and then brought back into memory for continued execution. 
  • System Software- It performs the basic functions that are necessary to operate a computer system. 
  • Synchronization- Synchronization is the coordination of events to operate a system in Unison. 
  • Tag- It is a part of HTML. It is the way, the browser displays text in a web page. 
  • Telecommunication- The process of sending and receiving information by means of telephones, satellites, and other devices. 
  • Telnet- A protocol that allows a computer to connect with a host computer on the internet. 
  • Template- Refers to a sample document that has already some details in place. 
  • Terminal- Any device that can transmit and receive electronic information. 
  • Text- Broadly speaking, the material displayed on a screen or printed on a paper. 
  • Time Sharing Or Multitasking - Time sharing is a technique which enables many people, located at various terminals, to use a particular computer system at the same time. 
  • Topology- Topology is the arrangement of various elements (links, nodes, etc.) of a computer network. 
  • Touchpad- The device on a laptop computer that takes the place of a mouse. 
  • UNIX- It is a powerful multiuser operating. It uses command line user interface. 
  • Universal Serial Bus (USB) - A common standard for connecting multiple peripherals to a computer as needed. 
  • Upload- Uploading is the transmission of a file from one computer system to another, usually larger operating system. 
  • Utility- A utility is a small program that provides an addition to the capabilities provided by the operating system. 
  • User-Friendly- Describes hardware or software that is easy to you. 
  • Virus- It is a harmful computer program. 
  • Webcam- A video camera that sends live images over the internet to a website. 
  • Zip- ZIP is an Archive file format that supports lossless data compression. A ZIP file may contain one or more files or directories that may have been compressed. 
  • Zoom- Zoom is another name for maximize, to enlarge the data size or image size.