Development of Computer
Abacus- Abacus is known to be the first mechanical calculating device which was used to perform addition and subtraction easily and speedily. Abacus is made up of wooden frame in which rod which is fitted across with round beads sliding on the rod.
Pascal Calculator- In the year 1642, Blaise Pascal a French scientist invented and adding machine called Pascal’s calculator, which represents the position of digit with the help of gears in it.
Analytical Engine- A scientist from England known to be Charles Babbage invented such a machine. This device was called analytical engine and it being the first mechanical computer. It included such feature which is used in today’s computer language. For this great invention of the computer, Sir Charles Babbage is also known as the father of the computer.

Classification on working system
- Digital Computer- Digital computer is the most commonly used type of computer and is used to process information with quantities using digits, usually using the Binary Example- MacBook.
- Analog Computer- A computer that operates with numbers represented by directly measurable quantities (as voltages or rotations) - compare digital computer, hybrid computer.
- Hybrid Computer- A computer that combines the characteristics of a digital computer and an analog computer by its capacity to accept Input and provide output in either digital or analogue form and to process information digitally.
Classification on size
- Mini Computer- A computer with processing and storage capabilities smaller than those of a mainframe but larger than those of a mictocomputer.
- Micro Computer- A microcomputer is a complete computer on a smaller scale and is largely a synonym for the more common term, personal computer or PC, computer designed for an individual.
- Mainframe Computer- A mainframe computer is a very large computer capable of handling and processing very large amounts of data They are used by large institutions, government Agencies and large corporations.
- Super Computer- The fastest type of Supercomputers are very expensive and are employed for specialized applications that require immense amount of calculations.
- Quantum Computer- The development of this type is in final Probably quantum computers will be more advanced than that of human brain. In quantum computers Q-Bit will be used in lieu of Binary Bits.