Find out the names of the places where each of these Adivasi struggles took place, and mark their location on a map of India.

Some of the Adivasi revolts are:

Santhal Revolt occurred in the regions of present-day Jharkhand, Odisha and West Bengal against the British as well the Zamindari system. The revolt was violently suppressed by the British with about 20000 Santhals being killed including the two leaders.

Munda revolt: The Mundas were able to get an able and charismatic leader in Birsa Munda who proclaimed a rebellion. The Mundas torched police stations, houses of the landlords, churches and British property.

Kumaon revolt: This occurred in the regions of Uttarakhand. the peasants broke the rules of the forest department.

Alluri Seetha Rama Raju: He led a protest in the border area of East Godavari and killed many British Officers.