If θ1, θ2, θ3, …., θn are in AP whose common difference is d, show that

sec θ1sec θ2 + sec θ2sec θ3 + …. + sec θn–1sec θn = .

Show that: sec θ1sec θ2 + sec θ2sec θ3 + …. + sec θn–1sec θn = .

Given: Given AP is θ1, θ2, θ3, …., θn

a= θ1, a2= θ2 and d= θ2 - θ1= θ3 - θ2= θ4 - θ3=…………= θn - θn - 1

sec θ1sec θ2 + sec θ2sec θ3 + …. + sec θn–1sec θn = + ………… +

Multiply both side by sin d

sin d (sec θ1sec θ2 + sec θ2sec θ3 + …. + sec θn–1sec θn)= + ………… +

[NOTE: sin(x - y)=sinxcosy - cosxsiny, & secθcosθ=1]

By using above formula on R.H.S. , we get

R.H.S. = tanθ2 - tanθ1 + tanθ3 - tanθ2 + tanθ4 - tanθ3 ………….. + tanθn - tanθn - 1

R.H.S. = tanθn - tanθ1 (All the remaining term cancle out)

sin d (sec θ1sec θ2 + sec θ2sec θ3 + …. + sec θn–1sec θn)= tanθn - tanθ1 (Divide sin d on both sides), we get

sec θ1sec θ2 + sec θ2sec θ3 + …. + sec θn–1sec θn= .