If A = and B = , verify that (AB)-1 = B-1 A-1.


To Verify: (AB)-1= B-1A-1

Firstly, we find the (AB)-1

Calculating AB

We have to find (AB)-1 and

Firstly, we find the adj AB and for that we have to find co-factors:

a11 (co – factor of -41) = (-1)1+1(26) = (-1)2(26) = 26

a12 (co – factor of 31) = (-1)1+2(-34) = (-1)3(-34) = 34

a21 (co – factor of -34) = (-1)2+1(31) = (-1)3(31) = -31

a22 (co – factor of 26) = (-1)2+2(-41) = (-1)4(-41) = -41

Now, adj AB = Transpose of co-factor Matrix

Calculating |AB|

= [-41 × 26 – (-34) × (31)]

= (-1066 + 1054)

= -12

Now, we have to find B-1A-1

Calculating B-1


We have to find A-1 and

Firstly, we find the adj B and for that we have to find co-factors:

a11 (co – factor of -4) = (-1)1+1(-4) = (-1)2(-4) = -4

a12 (co – factor of 3) = (-1)1+2(5) = (-1)3(5) = -5

a21 (co – factor of 5) = (-1)2+1(3) = (-1)3(3) = -3

a22 (co – factor of -4) = (-1)2+2(-4) = (-1)4(-4) = -4

Now, adj B = Transpose of co-factor Matrix

Calculating |B|

= [(-4) × (-4) – 3 × 5]

= (16 – 15)

= 1

Calculating A-1


We have to find A-1 and

Firstly, we find the adj A and for that we have to find co-factors:

a11 (co – factor of 9) = (-1)1+1(-2) = (-1)2(-2) = -2

a12 (co – factor of -1) = (-1)1+2(6) = (-1)3(6) = -6

a21 (co – factor of 6) = (-1)2+1(-1) = (-1)3(-1) = 1

a22 (co – factor of -2) = (-1)2+2(9) = (-1)4(9) = 9

Now, adj A = Transpose of co-factor Matrix

Calculating |A|

= [9 × (-2) – (-1) × 6]

= (-18 + 6)

= -12

Calculating B-1A-1



So, we get


(AB)-1 = B-1A-1

Hence verified