Find the area of the region bounded by the parabola y2=4x, the x-axis, and the lines x=1 and x=4.

Given the boundaries of the area to be found are,

• The parabola y2 = 4x

• The x-axis

• x = 1 (a line parallel toy-axis)

• x = 4 (a line parallel toy-axis)

As per the given boundaries,

• The curve y2 =4x, has only the positive numbers as y has even power, so it is about the x-axis equally distributed on both sides.

• x= 1 and x=4 are parallel toy-axis at of 1 and 4 units respectively from the y-axis.

• The four boundaries of the region to be found are,

Point A, where the curve y2 = 4x and x=4 meet

Point B, where the curve y2 = 4x and x=1 meet

Point C, where the x-axis and x=1 meet i.e. C(1,0).

Point D, where the x-axis and x=4 meet i.e. D(4,0).

Area of the required region = Area of ABCD.

[Using the formula ]

The Area of the required region