What structural and functional attributes must a cell have to be called a living cell?

A cell must have the following structural and functional attributes to be a called a living cell -

a) Cell membrane – It is the outer membrane of the cell which is made up of phospholipids primarily. This membrane is selectively permeable as it allows only selected material like water, food to pass through it.

b) Cytoplasm – The liquid containing the controlled concentration of organic and inorganic compounds. It functions as a site for metabolism and provide energy and material for growth and reproduction.

c) Nucleus – It contains DNA, the nuclear matrix or the nucleoplasm containing nucleolus and chromatin. It is also called the brain of the cell as it controls all the activities carried out by the cell. It also transfers the genetic material required for reproduction and growth. In eukaryotic cells, it is membrane bound but not in prokaryotic cells


The nucleus, cell membrane, cytoplasm are common in both prokaryotic (primitive) cells and eukaryotic cells. But eukaryotic cells have other things like golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum, plastids, mitochondria, etc. which are all membrane bound. The prokaryotes don’t have membrane bound organelles.
