Match the followings and choose the correct option


Transpiration is the movement of water molecules in form of water vapour from aerial parts of the plant. Leaves have numerous pores called stomata. The guard cells surrounding the stomata open and close regulating the transpiration. Stomatal transpiration is one of the ways plants transpire. Hence, A)leaves has been matched with ii)transpiration.

Imbibition is a type of diffusionwhere movement of water takes place along a diffusion gradientand it is due to this process that almost dryobjects absorb water. Such substances that absorb are called adsorbants. The cell wall and the protoplasm of living cells absorb water by imbibition. It is required by dry seeds prior to its germination for it to swell up and germinate. Hence B) seed is matched with iv)Imbibition.

Roots are responsible for absorption of water, minerals and other nutrients from the soil. Water that is absorbed is required by the plant to perform photosynthesis and for other processes. Minerals and other nutrients are responsible for growth and development of the plant. Hence, C)Roots is matched with v)Absorption.

Anti-transpirants are substances that check the rate of transpiration. Aspirin is a kind of metabolic inhibitor that reduce the stomatal opening thus increasing resistance to diffusion of water vapour or to transpiration. Hence D)Aspirin is matched with i) Anti-transpirant.

A plasmolyzed cell loses water when placed in a hypertonic solutioni.e concentration of solute is more in the solution due to which water flows out of the cell to the region of higher concentration of solute or from region of more dilution to less dilution to perform exosmosis causing the cell to become plasmolyzed. The value of osmotic potential of a solution is always negative since the presence of solutes in it makes the solutionhave less water and more solute as compared to the same volume of pure water. Thus E)Plasmolyzed cell is matched with iii)Negative osmotic potential.