Find the average magnitude of linear momentum of a helium molecule in a sample of helium gas at 0°C. Mass of a helium molecule = 6.64 × 10–27 kg and Boltzmann constant = 1.38 × 10–23 J K–1.

In kinetic theory of ideal gas, the average energy is given by

Where R=gas constant=8.31Jmol-1K-1

T-temperature of gas

M=molar mass of gas


Temperature T=0

T(K)=T ()+273.15


Mass of helium molecule m =6.64 × 10–27 kg

We know that,

Gas constant R=kBNA

Where kB= Boltzmann constant = 1.38 × 10–23 J K–1.

And NA=Avogadro number=6.02310-23 mol-1

Molar mass of gas molecule M= Avogadro numbermass of gas molecule


So average velocity becomes

We know that


Momentum=6.64 × 10–271202.31=8kgms-1

Average magnitude of momentum of helium at 0 is 8kgms-1.