Work out a monohybrid cross upto F2 generation between two pea plants and two Antirrhinum plants both having contrasting traits with respect to colour of flower. Comment on the pattern of inheritance in the crosses carried above.
Describe the process of transcription in a bacterium.
Inheritance pattern of flower colour in garden pea plant shows principles of dominance
Phenotypic ratio: 3:1, Genotypic ratio: 1:2:1
Inheritance of flower color in snap dragon is a classic example of Incomplete dominance.
In which neither of two alleles is completely dominant over the other and the hybrid is intermediate between the two.
In garden pea plant one allele is expressed in heterozygous condition (Pp). The alley P is dominant and does not allow expression of allele p, hence allele p is recessive.
Transcription: is the process in which gene’s DNA sequence is copied to make an RNA molecule.
The three important events that occur during transcription process is:
1. Initiation
2. Elongation
3. Termination
Initiation: RNA polymerase binds with sigma factor and attaches to the promoter site at 5’ end to initiate the process of transcription.
Elongation: when RNA polymerase moves from promoter to the terminator site it causes the polymerisation of nucleotides resulting in the formation of RNA in the 5’-3’ direction.
Termination: when RNA polymerase reaches to the terminator site it binds to the p factor and the transcribed RNA falls off along with RNA polymerase.