Identify the following pairs as Homologous or Analogous organs :
(i) Sweet potato and potato
(ii) Eye of octopus and eye of mammals
(iii) Thorns of Bougainvillea and tendrils of Cucurbits.
(iv) Fore limbs of Bat and Whale.
Homologous Organs are those organs which are similar in their morphology and anatomy, but dissimilar in their functions whereas analogous organs are organs present in different species performing the same function, having similar appearance and structure but have not evolved together; and hence do not share a common ancestor.
i) Sweet Potato and potato: These pairs form analogous organs because they share the same appearance and function but do not share a common ancestor. Sweet potato is modified root and potato is modified stem, both serving the purpose of storage of food.
ii) Eye of octopus and eye of mammals: These pairs form analogous organs because they share the same appearance and function (of vision) but do not share a common ancestor.
(iii) Thorns of Bougainvillea and tendrils of Cucurbits: These form homologous organs since the thorns of bougainvillea and tendrils of cucurbita have the same basic structure but they are modified to perform different functions.
(iv) Fore limbs of Bat and Whale: These form homologous organs because they inherited their forelimbs from a common ancestor with forelimbs.