White phosphorus reacts with chlorine and the product gets hydrolysed in the presence of water to produce HCl. Calculate the mass of HCl obtained by the hydrolysis of the product formed by the reactions of 62 g of white phosphorus with chlorine in the presence of water.

P4 + 6Cl2 4PCl3

PCl3 + 3H2O H3PO3 + 3HCl} x 4

Overall reaction will be,

P4 + 6Cl2 + 12H2O 4 H3PO3 + 12HCl

1 mole of white phosphorus produces 12 moles of HCl…………..a)

1 mole of HCl weighs 36.5g,

so weight of 12moles will be, 12 x 36.5=438g……………………………i)

1 mole of white phosphorus weighs 124 g………………….ii)

Equation a) implies that 124g of phosphorus is used to produce 438g of HCl

So 1g of phosphorus would give= 438/124 g of HCl

62 g would give= (438/124) x 62 = 219 g of HCl