Why and how did the Mizo movement for succession gain popular support?

a. Mizo movement and its secessionist demands were a product of the neglect shown by Assam during the 1959 great famine.

b. Other prominent reasons which led to the immense anger in Mizos are as followed-

c. Britishers treated their areas as excluded areas, this fueled the separatist tendencies even more.

d. Mizo hills were relatively backward in economic terms along with absence of basic amenities for their people, hegemonic attitude of Assam regime,

e. All these reasons were enough to generate a feeling it dissatisfaction in hearts of Mizos. This gave birth to an organization called Mizo national front.

f. In March 1966, this grouping called MNF launched an armed revolt against the Indian government and also demanded independence for Mizos.

g. They were even supported by the Pakistani regime in their struggle against India.

h. But finally, the issue was completely resolved with 1986 peace talks