Describe the advantages of the democratic approach to the question of diversity in uniting a large country like India.

a. Following are the advantages of the democratic approach to the question of diversity in uniting India

i. Adopting democracy allows for debate, discuss and dissent platform.

ii. Democracy also gives an opportunity for political expressions of regional aspirations to the people and does not look upon them as anti-national elements.

iii. There are times when national unity and integrity and developmental priorities of the central establishment overshadows the regional problems.

iv. The existence of democratic politics in place of authoritarian politics makes it possible for the parties and regional groups to address the people on the basis of their regional identity, aspiration and specific regional problems.

v. Hence, state-specific problems and regional imbalances due to uneven economic development will receive adequate attention and accommodation in the policymaking process.

vi. Every other state or region in India is allowed to retain their cultural practices, language and autonomy. This allows for peace and harmony across Indian states and also sharing of mutual respect for each other’s cultures