Find the charges on the four capacitors of capacitances 1 μF, 2 μF, 3 μF and 4 μF shown in figure.

Concepts/Formula used:

Ohm’s Law:

Potential Difference (V) across a resistor of resistance R when current I passes through it is given by Ohm’s law:

Kirchhoff’s junction rule:

The sum of currents entering a junction is equal to the sum of currents leaving it.

Kirchhoff’s loop rule:

The sum of potential differences around a closed loop is zero.


If two conductors have a potential difference V between the them and have charges Q and -Q respectively on them, then their capacitance is defined as

Applying Kirchhoff’s loop rule on ABCDEA,

Applying Kirchhoff’s loop rule on ABHGFA,


As the 3Ω resistor and the 3μF capacitor are in parallel,

Now, we know that


Now, we know that


Now, we know that


Now, we know that