Explain the consequences of the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

The consequences of the disintegration of the Soviet Union were:

• Cold War confrontations came to an end with the disintegration of the Soviet Union as the Cold War was a rivalry between the USA and the USSR.

• World politics saw radical changes in power relations because of the disintegration. From a bipolar world, the international arena saw the emergence of an unipolar world with the USA as the sole superpower.

• Several new countries emerged along with new secessionist movements like Chechnya and Dagestan.

• The disintegration led the increase in importance of institutions like the World Bank and the IMF which supplied the money required for the developmental needs of the newly formed second world countries, mainly Eastern Europe.

• Several Baltic states like Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia which were formerly part of the USSR, joined the European Union and subsequently NATO which allowed progression of capitalism.

• The most significant consequence of the disintegration of the USSR was the end of socialism, which paved the way for capitalism to emerge as the main ideology in the international arena. This also led the way for US hegemony.