The acceleration of a cart started at t = 0, varies with time as shown in figure (3-E2). Find the distance travelled in

30 seconds and draw the position-time graph.

Let u be the initial velocity, v be the final velocity

In the first 10 s,

Distance travelled,

At t= 10 s

v=u + at = 0+5×10 = 50 ft

From 10s to 20s, the particle moves with a uniform velocity of 50 ft/s

Distance covered from t=10 s to t=20 s,

S2 = vt = 50×10 = 500 ft

Acceleration is constant between 20s and 30s.i.e -5 ft/m2

At 20 s velocity is 50 ft/s

t=30-20=10 s


Total distance travelled in 30 s is,

Position –time graph