A block slides down an inclined surface of inclination 30o with the horizontal Starting (rom rest it covers 8 m in the first two seconds. Find the coefficient of kinetic friction between the two.

Angle of inclination= 30o

Distance travelled (s) = 8m

Time taken (t)= 2 sec

Let us consider the acceleration of the body= a

Initial velocity of the body= 0m/s

Using equation of motion

s=ut + at2

Now, the net force on the body= m.a = m (4)= 4m N

The frictional force experienced by body while moving= f

But, according to the diagram shown, net force on the body is

= mgsin30°-f

= mg-f

Equating the two equations,

= mg-f = 4m

f=0.9 m

Normal force on the body= mgcos30° = (9.8)m= 8.48m

Coefficient of kinetic energy= = 0.11

Hence, coefficient of friction between the surfaces is 0.11