A loop, made of straight edges has six corners at A (O, O, O), B (L, O, O) C (L, L, O), D (O, L, O) E (O, L, L) and F (O, O, L).

A magnetic field is present in the region. The flux passing through the loop ABCDEFA (in that order) is

Let’s consider the loop in two planes shown in above figure. Now look into plane ABCDA which is x-y plane so its area vector will be along z axis and for DEFAD plane, area vector will be along x axis, Assume ₁ & ₂ are the area vectors for above planes. So let’s find the area & therefore .

Given that also we know that flux is so putting B & A into flux equation

As we know that cross product of same unit vector is 1 and rest of all are zero because î,ĵ, k are all perpendicular to each other i.e.

Therefore, c is the correct answer.