In the following ions: Mn3+, V3+, Cr3+, Ti4+ (Atomic no.: Mn=25, V=23, Cr=24, Ti=22)

(a) Which ion is most stable in an aqueous solution?

(b) Which ion is the strongest oxidizing agent?

(c) Which ion is colorless?

(d) Which ion has the highest number of unpaired electrons?

(a) Out of all these ions, the most stable ion in an aqueous solution is Cr3+ because it has half filled t2g orbital which accounts for its extra stability.

Electronic configuration of Cr3+: 4s0 3d3 or t2g3 eg0

(b) Mn3+ is the strongest oxidizing agent because an oxidizing agent itself gets reduced, so Mn3+ will be reduced to Mn2+ and will attain stable half filled d5 configuration. That’s why Mn3+ will be the strongest oxidizing agent.

(c) Ti4+ will be colorless because it does not have any electron in the d orbital for d-d transition which is responsible for giving color to a solution. Electronic configuration of Ti4+is 4s0 3d0.

(d) Mn3+ ion has the highest number of unpaired electrons. It has 4 unpaired electrons in the d orbital. Electronic configuration of Mn3+is 4s0 3d4.