(i) Write the name of Monosaccharides which are obtained after the hydrolysis of lactose

(ii) What type of bonding is responsible for the stability of α – helix?

(iii) Write the difference between nucleotide and nucleoside.


Hydrolysis of lactose sugar gives two monosaccharides, β-D-glucose and β-D-Galactose


Above is the α - helix and the major intermolecular force of attraction is hydrogen bonding between the protein molecules. The –OH groups involve in hydrogen binding.


Write the difference between nucleoside and nucleotide.


(i) They contain nitrogenous based linked to sugar that are without Phosphate group

(ii) They can be used as antiviral or anticancer agents

(iii) E.g. Guanosine, thymidine, etc. are nucleosides.


(i) It consists of a nitrogenous base along with a sugar and 3 phosphate groups.

(ii) Their malfunction causes cancer.

(iii) For e.g. 5’-uridine monophosphate,