For any positive integer, prove that divisible by 6.

We have,

Given that (S) = n3- n is divisible by 6.

Let n =1 then we get ‘0’ which is divisible by 6.

Therefore S(1) is true.

Let’s take n = p Therefore, S(p) = p3 - p which is divisible by 6.

= t (an integer)

(p3 - p) = 6t

p3 = 6t + p ----- Eqn (1)

Now take n = p + 1

(p+1)3 - (p+1) (p3+3p2+3p+1) - (p+1) --- Eqn (2)

Substituting valve of Eqn (1) in Eqn 2, we get

(6t+p)3 + 3p2 +2p – (p+1)

6t +3p(p+1)

Let p(p+1) = 2a is an even number a is natural number

Therefore 6t+3×2a => 6t+6a => 6(t+a) which is divisible by 6

Therefore for any positive integer of form divisible by 6.