The time taken by a person to cover 150 km was 2.5 hrs more than the time taken in the return journey. If he returned at a speed of 10 km / hr more than the speed of going, what was the speed per hour in each direction?

Time = distance/speed

Let the speed of person on onward journey be ‘a’ km/hr

Speed at which he returned = a – 10 km/hr

Given, time taken by a person to cover 150 km was 2.5 hrs more than the time taken in the return journey.

150(a – a + 10) = 2.5a(a – 10)

1500 = 2.5a2 – 25a

a2 – 10a – 600 = 0

a2 – 30a + 20a – 600 = 0

a(a – 30) + 20(a – 30) = 0

(a + 20)(a – 30) = 0

a = 30 km/hr