A boiler is in the form of a cylinder 2 m long with hemispherical ends each of 2 metre diameter. Find the volume of the boiler.

Given: radius of cylinder (r) = = 10 cm

Height of cylinder (h1) = 2.5 m

Height of cone (h2) = 7.5 m

Let l be slant height of cone

l = 12.5 m

Volume of cylinder (V1) = πr2h

V1 = π r(10)2(2.5) ……….. (1)

Volume of cone (V2) = πr2h

= π(10)2 (7.5) …………. (2)

Total capacity of tent = (1) + (2)

V = V1 + V2

V = π(10)2(2.5) + π(10)2 (7.5)

V = 250π + 250π

V = 500 π m3

Total capacity of tent = 500 π m3