Find the area of a triangle whose vertices are

(i) (6, 3), (-3, 5) and (4, - 2)


(iii) (a, c + a), (a, c) and (-a, c - a)

(i) (6, 3), (-3, 5) and (4, - 2)

Let A≡(x1, y1 ) ≡ (6, 3), B ≡ (x2, y2 ) ≡ (-3, 5) and C ≡ (x3, y3 ) ≡ (4, -2)

Area of ∆ABC = |x1 (y2 - y3) + x2 (y3 - y1) + x3 (y1 - y2)| sq. units

∴ Area of ∆ABC = | { 6 (5 – (-2)) – 3 ( -2 – 3) + 4 (3 – 5)} |

= | { 6 × 7 + 15 – 8 } |

= | 57 – 8|

= sq. units


Area of the triangle having vertices (x1,y1), (x2,y2) and (x3,y3)

= |x1(y2-y3)+x2(y3-y1)+x3(y1-y2)|

Here, (x1, y1)=(at12,2at1), (x2,y2)=(at22,2at2), (x3,y3)=(at32,2at3)

∴, area=|at12(2at2-2at3)+at22(2at3-2at1)+at32(2at1-2at2)|

= |2a2t12t2-2a2t12t3+2a2t22t3-2a2t22t1+2a2t32t1-2a2t32t2|

= × 2a2|t12t2-t12t3+t22t3-t22t1+t32t1-t32t2|







∴ Area is a2|(t2-t3)(t1-t2)(t1-t3)| sq. units

(iii) (a, c + a), (a, c) and (-a, c - a)

Area of the triangle having vertices (x1,y1), (x2,y2) and (x3,y3)

= |x1(y2-y3)+x2(y3-y1)+x3(y1-y2)|

Area = | a (c – c + a) + a( c – a –c – a) – a (c + a – c)|

= | a (a ) + a(-2a) – a( a)|

= | -2a2 |

= a2

∴ Area is a2 sq. units