For the following (you can add to the list) products/services discuss what safety rules should be observed by the producer?

(a) LPG cylinder

(b) Cinema theatre

(c) Circus

(d) Medicines

(e) Edible oil

(f) Marriage pandal

(g) A high-rise building.


Safety rules to be observed

LPG cylinder

1. Check that the cylinder has been delivered with company seal and safety cap intact.

2. Ensure that there is no leakage of gas from the cylinder.

3. Look for due date of test which is marked on inner side of cylinder, if due date is over don’t accept the cylinder.

4. Keep the cylinder away from inflammable items.

5. Disconnect LPG regulator when not in use and keep the cylinder in upright position.

Cinema theatre

● Fire extinguishers should be installed in important areas of the premises.

● Clearly marked and well illuminated exits should be there in all areas for emergencies like fire.

● A short documentary should be screened during every show by showing the exits, emergency escape routes and instructions as to what to do and what not to do in the case of fire or other hazards (As per directions of Hon’ble Supreme Court in the Uphaar Tragedy case).

The emergency department telephone nos. of nearest Hospitals, Police Station and Fire Department should be displayed in every show.


● Sufficient exits, well marked and properly lighted;

● Lighted and unobstructed passageways to areas leading away from the structure;

● Inspection before the opening by the city electrical inspector to ascertain if any defects exist in the wiring and provision made for immediate correction of any defects which may be found;

● Sufficient first-aid fire appliances to be distributed throughout the structure with operating personnel familiar with the operation of such equipment available and assigned during the use of such structure as a place of assembly;

● Sufficient “No Smoking” signs visible at all times;

● The cage for dangerous animals like lions should be secure.

● Safety net should be there for trapeze artists.


1. Date of manufacture, date of expiry, batch number and composition must be printed on the packaging.

2. Close your medicine caps tightly after every use. Choose child-resistant caps for medicine bottles, if you're able to.

Edible oil

1. Since the product is perishable check the manufacturing and expiry date.

2. Quality assurance can be checked through agmark for the product.

3. Store oil in a cool or dry location.

Marriage pandal

1. Adequate number of fire extinguishers should be installed in the premises.

2. Multiple entry and exit gates to avoid rush during an untoward incident.

Check the electrical wiring to prevent fire and short circuit.

A high-rise building

1. Escalators should be of assured quality and provided with information of what to do during emergency.

2 Staircases must have handrails and emergency exit staircases should be at a different location from the daily use staircase.