The vertical angle of an isosceles triangle is 100°. Find its base angles.

Given: The given triangle is isosceles triangle. Also vertex angle is 100°

To find: Measure of base angles.

It is given that triangle is isosceles.

So let our given triangle be ∆ABC.

And let A be the vertex angle, which is given as A= 100°

By the property of isosceles triangle, we know that base angles are equal.


B = C …(1)

We know that,

Sum of all angles in any triangle = 180°

A + B + C = 180°

100° + 2B = 180° …from (1)

2B = 180° - 100°

2B = 80°

∴∠B = 40°

Therefore, our base angles, B and C, are 40° each.