In, if -=42°and-=21°, Find,and.



-= 42° ___________________ (i)

-=21° ___________________ (ii)

= 42° + [From equation (i)] __________________ (iii)

= - 21° [From equation (ii)] __________________ (iv)

We know that sum of angles of triangle = 180°

P + Q + R = 180° [Sum of angles]

42° + Q + Q + Q - 21° = 180° [From equation (iii) and (iv)]

3 Q + 21°= 180°

3 Q = 159°

Q = 53°

Value of Q = 53° put in equation (iii),

= 42° +

= 42° + 53°

= 95°

Value of Q = 53° put in equation (iv),

= - 21°

= 53° - 21°

= 32°