Using divisibility tests, determine which of the following numbers are divisible by 4; by 8;

(a) 572

(b) 726352

(c) 5500

(d) 6000

(e) 12159

(f) 14560

(g) 21084

(h) 31795072

(i) 1700

(j) 2150

(a) 572

As per the divisibility rule for 4: if the last two digits of a whole number are divisible by 4, then the entire number is divisible by 4.

The last two digits of the given number are 72, since 72 is divisible by 4, the number is also divisible by 4.

According to the rule of divisibility for 8: if the last three digit of a whole number are divisible by 8, then the entire number is divisible by 8.

The last three digits are 572, as 572 is not divisible by 8, the given number is also not divisible by 8.

(b) 726352

According to the rule of divisibility for 4 the last two digits of the given number are 52, since 52 is divisible by 4, the given number is also divisible by 4.

According to the rule of divisibility for 8 the last three digits are 352, as 352 is divisible by 8, the given number is also divisible by 8.

(c) 5500

According to the rule of divisibility for 4 the last two digits of the given number are 00, the number is divisible by 4.

According to the rule of divisibility for 8, the last three digits are 500, as 500 is not divisible by 8, the given number is also not divisible by 8.

(d) 6000

According to the rule of divisibility for 4 the last two digits of the given number are 00, the number is divisible by 4.

According to the rule of divisibility for 4 the last three digits are 000, the given number is divisible by 8.

(e) 12159

According to the rule of divisibility for 4 the last two digits of the given number are 59, since 59 is not divisible by 4, the number is also not divisible by 4.

According to the rule of divisibility for 8 the last three digits are 159, as 159 is not divisible by 8, the given number is also not divisible by 8.

(f) 14560

According to the rule of divisibility for 4 the last two digits of the given number are 60, since 60 is divisible by 4, the number is also divisible by 4.

According to the rule of divisibility for 8 the last three digits are 560, as 560 is divisible by 8, the given number is also divisible by 8.

(g) 21084

According to the rule of divisibility for 4 the last two digits of the given number are 84, since 84 is divisible by 4, the number is also divisible by 4.

According to the rule of divisibility for 8 the last three digits are 084, as 084 is not divisible by 8, the given number is also not divisible by 8.

(h) 31795072

According to the rule of divisibility for 4 the last two digits of the given number are 72, since 72 is divisible by 4, the number is also divisible by 4.

According to the rule of divisibility for 8 the last three digits are 072, as 072 is divisible by 8, the given number is also divisible by 8.

(i) 1700

According to the rule of divisibility for 4 the last two digits of the given number are 00, the number is also divisible by 4.

According to the rule of divisibility for 8 the last three digits are 700, as 700 is not divisible by 8, the given number is also not divisible by 8.

(j) 2150

According to the rule of divisibility for 4 the last two digits of the given number are 50, since 50 is not divisible by 4, the number is also not divisible by 4.

According to the rule of divisibility for 8 the last three digits are 150, as 150 is not divisible by 8, the given number is also not divisible by 8.