Write these fractions appropriately as additions or subtractions:

(a) In the above diagram, it can clearly be observed that:

In the 1st and 2nd rectangle there are 1 and 2 shaded portions out of 5 equal parts respectively

Also, the third rectangle represents 3 shaded portions out of 5 equal parts


The fraction represented by the third rectangle is the sum of fraction represented by 1st and 2nd rectangle



(b) In the above diagram, it can clearly be observed that:

In the 1st and 2nd circle there are 5 and 3 shaded portions out of 5 equal parts respectively

Also, the third circle represents 2 shaded portions out of 5 equal parts


The fraction represented by the third circle is the difference of fraction represented by 1st and 2nd circle



(c) In the above diagram, it can clearly be observed that:

In the 1st and 2nd rectangle there are 2 and 3 shaded portions out of 6 equal parts respectively

Also, the third rectangle represents 5 shaded portions out of 6 equal parts


The fraction represented by the third rectangle is the sum of fraction represented by 1st and 2nd rectangle

