Which is greater?

(a) 0.3 or 0.4 (b) 0.07 or 0.02

(c) 3 or 0.8 (d) 0.5 or 0.05

(e) 1.23 or 1.2 (f) 0.099 or 0.19

(g) 1.5 or 1.50 (h) 1.431 or 1.490

(i) 3.3 or 3.300 (j) 5.64 or 5.603

(a) In the above question,

The whole parts of both the numbers are same and the tenth part of 0.4 is greater than tenth part of 0.3


0.4 > 0.3

(b) In the above question,

Both numbers have same parts upto the tenth place. Also, hundredth part of 0.07 is greater than that of hundredth part that of 0.02


0.07 > 0.02

(c) In the above question,

It is clearly seen that whole part of 3 is greater than that of 0.8


3 > 0.8

(d) In the above question,

It is clearly seen that whole parts of these numbers are same. Also, tenth part of 0.5 is greater than that of 0.05


0.5 > 0.05

(e) In the above question,

Both the numbers have same parts upto tenth place but the hundredth part of 1.23 is greater than that of 1.20


1.23 > 1.20

(f) In the above question,

Both the numbers have same whole parts but the tenth part of 0.19 is greater than 0.099


0.099 < 0.19

(g) In the above question,

Both the numbers have same parts upto tenth place but there is no digit in the hundredth part of 1.5 which implies that the hundredth digit will be zero


1.5 = 1.50

(h) In the above question,

Both the numbers have same parts upto tenth place but the hundredth part of 1.490 is greater than that of 1.431


1.431 < 1.490

(i) In the above question,

Both the numbershave same parts upto tenth place but there is no digit in the hundredth and thousandth place of 3.3 which implies that these digits are 0 which are as same as that of 3.300


3.3 = 3.300

(j) In the above question,

Both the numbers have same parts up to the tenth place but the hundredth part of 5.64 is greater than that of 5.603


5.64 > 5.603