Fill in the blanks.

(i) Area of triangle

(ii) Area of a ||gm = (............)× (.............)

(iii) Area of a trapezium

(iv) The parallel sides of a trapezium are 14 cm and 18 cm and the distance between them is 8 cm. The area of the trapezium is ...... cm2.

(i) Area of triangle = × (base) × (height).

(ii) Area of || gm = (base) × (height).

(iii) Area of trapezium is × (sum of parallel sides) × (height)

(iv) Given

Length of parallel sides is 14cm and 18 cm

Height (h) = 8 cm

We know that area of trapezium is × (sum of parallel sides) × height

Therefore Area of trapezium = × (14 +18) × 8 = 128 cm2.