Explain the factors responsible for the depletion of water table.

The factors which are responsible for the depletion of water table are as follows:

1. Over-Population: Increase in population results in increase in demand of water. The overpopulation leads to construction of houses, roads, gardens and thus the water usage increased multiple times the population.

2. Industrialization: No doubt, industrialization has provided employment but it has also lead to shortage of resources such as water. There is a strong need of water in industries which is being utilized from ground and thus leading to depletion of water table.

3. Agricultural Activities: Water is the most important resource required for agriculture and its usage is also in heavy large amount. Irrigation of crops is generally done through the ground water and therefore, it is creating the pressure on water resources.

4. Lack of Water conservation: There is depletion in water table due to lack of awareness of water conservation techniques such as rainwater harvesting, reusing water and much more.