It is a hot summer day, Priyanshi and Ali are wearing cotton and nylon clothes respectively. Who do you think would be more comfortable and why?

Priyanshi would feel more comfortable as she is wearing cotton clothes. Because of our body mechanism, we tend to perspire more during summers. This helps to keep our body cool. During evaporation, the particles at the surface of the liquid gain energy from the surroundings or the body surface and change into a vapour. The heat energy equal to the latent heat of vaporization is absorbed from the body leaving the body cool. Cotton, being a good absorber of water helps in absorbing the sweat and exposing it to the atmosphere and makes evaporation easy. Ali, on the other hand, is wearing nylon which is less efficient in absorbing water will not help with evaporation.
Therefore, Priyanshi will be more comfortable as compared to Ali because she wears cotton and Ali wears nylon.