Discuss what these phrases mean to you:

(i) A yellow wood.

(ii) It was grassy and wanted wear.

(iii) The passing there.

(iv) Leaves no step had trodden black.

(v) How way leads on to way.

(i) A yellow wood: A yellow wood symbolizes decaying and decomposing leaves which had turned yellow and filled the jungle.

(ii) It was grassy and wanted wear: The phrase describes the road which is full of grass. Wanted wear further throws light on the idea that it had not been used much by travellers.

(iii) The passing there: The path used by the passersby.

(iv) Leaves no step had trodden black: The leaves had not turned black in colour because of less people stepping on them. It could have represented a path which was not chosen often by travellers due to uncertainty.

(v) How way leads on to way: This phrase symbolizes certain decisions that an individual takes in life which could pave the way for many other decisions in future.