There was a glad sense of relief when she heard the noise of the carriage growing fainter…

Here, glad means happy about something.

Glad, happy, pleased, delighted, thrilled and overjoyed are synonyms. (words or expressions that have the same or nearly the same meaning.) However, they express happiness in certain ways.

Read the sentences below:

● She was glad when the meeting was over.

● The chief guest was pleased to announce the name of the winner.

Use an appropriate word from the synonyms given above in the following sentences. Clues are given in brackets.

(i) She was --------------- by the news of her brother’s wedding. (very pleased)

(ii) I was ____________ to be invited to the party. (extremely pleased and excited about)

(iii) She was _____________at the birth of her granddaughter. (extremely happy)

(iv) The coach was ______________with his performance. (satisfied about)

(v) She was very ___________with her results. (happy about something that has happened)

(i) She was overjoyed by the news of her brother’s wedding.

(ii) I was delighted to be invited to the party.

(iii) She was glad at the birth of her granddaughter.

(iv) The coach was pleased with his performance.

(v) She was very happy with her results.