Has your life been different from or similar to that of Kezia when you were a child? Has your perception about your parents changed now? Do you find any change in your parent’s behavior vis-� -vis yours? Who has become more understanding? What steps would you like to take to build a relationship based on understanding? Write three or four paragraphs (about 150-200 words ) discussing these issues from your own experience.

Life is full of troubles, stress and anxieties. There comes a time when our parents our circumstantially forced to abide by certain things which keeps them much pre-occupied. They even fail to think for themselves or their own interests. Such was the case with the Father of Kezia.

Living in a joint family, I have been given utmost love, care and concern in every field by my parents, my grandparents, my uncle and aunt as well as the other members of my family . So as compared to the experience of Kezia, my life and childhood was quite different.

As a young child, I often used to feel bad about some things for which I was repeatedly scolded or corrected at. Just the way Kezia was scolded for tearing the important pages written by her father, I was also similarly criticized for my bad habits and wrong deeds. They definitely did pinch me at that particular point of time. However, as I have grown up over the years, I have a gradually noticed a big change in the attitude of my parents towards me. They have given me the freedom to explore myself freely at every stage of my life wherever it was required. From a small child to the years of adolescence, I have not only witnessed the kind of freedom but at the same time understood all the things that I was corrected at repeatedly or told not to do this or do that. Over the years, I have become more understanding and mature. Although, children at a younger age might feel bad about certain things, but it is very fundamental to their overall development as an individual because correcting them and making them learn the right things at a younger stage is much easier than at a later stage.

These experiences of my life have taught me some very important lessons which I would definitely carry forward for the rest of my life and above all, the difference between the right and the wrong, and the good and the bad.

NOTE-Students can share their own experience. The above answer is just an example.