Find the sentences in the text where these words occur:

Erupt Surge Trace Undistinguished Casualty

Look these words up in a dictionary which gives examples of how they are used. Now Answer the questions below:

1. What are the things that can erupt? Use examples to explain the various meanings of erupt. Now do the same for the word surge. What things can surge?

2. What are the meanings of the word trace and which of the meanings is closest to the word in the text?

3. Can you find the word undistinguished in your dictionary? (If not, look up the word distinguished and say what undistinguished means.)

1. A few things that can erupt include – volcano, tooth, anger, riots, unrest, rashes or pimples on the surface of the skin etc. The meanings of erupt with examples are given as follows:

(i) Something that began unexpectedly – Example: Riots erupted in the city.

(ii) Something bursting into flames – Example: The tiny spark within no time erupted into flames.

(iii) Become active and eject lava – Example: The molten lava erupted out of the active volcano.

(iv) Violent release of something pent up – Example: The discussions soon erupted into a heated argument.

(v) Break out – Example: The eruption of the wisdom tooth is very painful

(vi) Sudden appearance on the skin – Example: A pimple erupted on her face just after removing the oil and dirt.

A few things that can surge include pride, anxiety, army, boat, waves etc. The meanings of surge with examples are given as follows:

(i) A sudden forceful flow – Example: The boy drowned in the constantly surging waves.

(ii) Move upwards under the influence of a natural force – Example: The boat kept surging in the high and low tide.

(iii) Rise and move forward – Example: The army steadily surged towards their enemy.

(iv) An improvement or achievement through one’s performance – Example: I can still feel the surge of pride in earning my own money for the first time.

2. The following are the meanings of the word trace –

(i) Follow or discover something via the course of development or through the medium of investigation

(ii) To go back over again

(iii) Make a mark or lines on a plain surface

(iv) Reading with difficulty

(v) Pursue or chase something

The closest meaning of the word ‘trace’ in the text is ‘to find or discover through investigation.’

3. The meaning of the word ‘undistinguished’ can be derived from the meaning of ‘distinguished’ which refers to special or eminent appearance or behaviour of a person. Therefore, undistinguished would symbolize ‘ordinary appearance or behaviour of a person.’ For example - I was one of many children-a short boy with rather undistinguished looks.