Add-ly to the italicised word in each sentence. Rewrite the sentence using the new words. See the examples first.

He runs between wickets as if his legs were stiff.

Why did the batsman swing the bat in such a violet manner? Why did the batsman swing the bat so violently?

(i) It is obvious that the work has not been done in a proper way.

(ii) He made the statement in a firm manner.

(iii) The job can be completed within a week in an easy way.

(iv) You did not play in a serious manner, or else you would have won the match.

(iv) She recited the poem in a cheerful manner.

(i) It is obvious that the work has not been done in a proper way.

It is obvious that the work has not been done properly.

(ii) He made the statement in a firm manner.

He made the statement firmly.

(iii) The job can be completed within a week in an easy way.

The job can be completed within a week easily.

(iv) You did not play in a serious manner, or else you would have won the match.

You did not play in a seriously, or else you would have won the match.

(iv) She recited the poem in a cheerful manner.

She recited the poem in cheerfully.