Sit in a circle in that you can see each other. Each one must talk to complete the following sentence in his own way.

“What makes me very angry is …”

Remember to listen with respect and without comment to each person as he/she speaks.

What makes me very angry is when people don’t obey safety rules. These rules are for our safety and of those around us, not obey them put us in danger. The other day when we were coming to school in the morning, the school bus conductor had asked everyone to remain in their seats until the bus had come to halt in front of the gate but my friend in the back had pushed himself to the front to get down first while the bus was still moving. When the bus stopped at the gate, the boy lost his balance and fell on his face breaking two of his front teeth. The other children in the bus had a good laugh, I was angry at him for making a fool of himself, the teacher scolded him and he was sorry that he had not followed the safety instructions.