Read again the paragraphs of the story in which the author describes the banyan tree and what he used to do there. Is there a place in your house, or in your grandparents’ or uncles’ or aunts’ houses, that you especially like? Write a short paragraph about it, saying

● where it is

● what you do there

● why you like it

You may instead write about a place you dislike, or are afraid of.

I also have a small mezzanine situated at my grandparent's place.

A mezzanine is a special place for me because I have many old memories attached to it. It not only provided me and my cousins with a place to laugh and play during our childhood days but also provided the warmth during the winter season when the rays of the sun used to come directly at the mezzanine floor.

Although many years have passed, this place is still the same bringing back all those mesmerizing memories every single time I visit my grandparents.

NOTE – The given answer is just an example. Students can illustrate it by sharing their own experiences which may be similar to this or different altogether.