Go through Part-I carefully, and make a list of as many words as you can find that indicate movement of different kinds. (There is one word that occurs repeatedly – count how many times!) Put them into three categories.

fast movement

slow movement

neither slow nor fast

rushed out

walking on the seashore in a daze


rushed in

the sea rising


swept away



jumped into



rushing back

came with him

rush them to a safer place


washed away

The term “swept away” is used four times. The lesson talks about Tsunami and since in is nothing but a humongous wave that is created mostly because of an earthquake, or at times by volcanoes or landslides. Such huge waves are naturally very destructive and sweeps away everything with less strong base that stands in its way. This is why the particular phrase “swept away” is used so many times in the lesson.

Can you explain why there are many words in one column and not in the others?

There are themost number of words in the fast movement column because this is a lesson about the tsunami. When a tsunami hits, the first instinct of people is to run to their safety. That is why there are many words in one column and not in the others.