Here are a few idioms that you will find in the story. Look for them in the dictionary in the following way.

First, arrange them in the order in which you would find them in a dictionary.

(Clue: An idiom is usually listed under the first noun, verb, adjective or adverb in it. Ignore articles or prepositions in the idiom).

To help you, we have put in bold the word under which you must look for the idiom in the dictionary.)

(i) at/from close quarters (close: adjective)

(ii) break into a smile (break: verb; look under ‘break into something)

(iii) carry on (carry: verb)

(iv) have a clean record (you may find related meanings under both these words).

(v) beat about the bush (verb)

Now refer to your dictionary and find out what they mean.

The following table gives the meaning of the idioms.



(i) at/from close quarters:

Very close to something or somebody; often, uncomfortably so.

(ii) break into a smile:

To start smiling

(iii) carry on:

continue an activity or task

(iv) have a clean record:

to have no record of any prior misdemeanor

(v) beat about the bush:

discuss a matter without coming to the point.