In a gm ABCD, if Point P and Q are midpoints of AB and CD respectively and ar(gm ABCD) = 16cm2, then ar(gmAPQD) = ?


P and Q are midpoints of AB and CD respectively

ar(gm ABCD) = 16cm2

Now, consider the (gm ABCD)


Q is the midpoint of DC and P is the midpoint of AB.

By joining P and Q (gm ABCD) is divided into two equal parallelograms.

That is, ar(gm ABCD) = ar(gmAPQD) + ar(gmPQCB)

ar(gm ABCD) = 2×ar(gmAPQD) (ar(gmAPQD) = ar(gmPQCB) )

2×ar(gmAPQD) = 16cm2 (ar(gm ABCD) = 16cm2)

ar(gmAPQD) = 16/2 = 8cm2

ar(gmAPQD) = 8cm2