Which among the following best explains the reason for growing concerns about the environment?

(a) The developed countries are concerned about protecting nature.

(b) Protection of the environment is vital for indigenous people and natural habitats.

(c) The environmental degradation caused by human activities has become pervasive and has reached a dangerous level.

(d) None of the above

(c) The environmental degradation caused by human activities has become pervasive and has reached a dangerous level.

Explanation- The environmental degradation caused by human activities has become pervasive and has reached a dangerous level.

Industrial revolution has caused a severe change in climate that has resulted in global rise in average temperature which can cause the glacial ice to melt and increase the sea level. This forges a great problem for island nations which might get totally submerged under water. Coastal cities also run the risk of submergence under water. There is a global rise in greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, water vapour etc.) emitted by industries, automobiles, animal husbandry and various other human activities. They act as a blanket around the earth refusing the heat to exit and hence increasing the average temperature of the earth and causing fluctuation in the climate of various places. The ozone layer of the earth is also facing serious threat and is depleting at an accelerated rate. An ozone hole was discovered over the Antarctic in the 1980s. The earth is degrading and a major contribution in this is made by humans.