Match the following:

(a) Syndicate

i. An elected representative leaving the party on whose ticket s/he has been elected

(b) Defection

ii. A catchy phrase that attracts public attention

(c) Slogan

iii. parties with different ideological position coming together to oppose Congress and its policies

(d) Anti-Congressism

iv. A group of powerful and influential leaders within the Congress

a) Syndicate: A group of powerful and influential leaders within the Congress. Syndicate was the informal name given to a group of Congress leaders who were in control of the party’s organisation. It was led by K. Kamraj, former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu and then the president of the Congress party

b) Defection: An elected representative leaving the party on whose ticket s/he has been elected. Another important feature of the politics after the 1967 election was the role played by defections in the making and unmaking of governments in the States.

c) Slogan: A catchy phrase that attracts public attention. Indira Hatao, Garibi Hatao are some famous phrase.

d) Anti-Congressism: parties with different ideological position coming together to oppose Congress and its policies.