Read the passage and answer the questions below:

…Indira Gandhi changed the Congress into highly cerntalised and undemocratic party organisation, from the earlier federal, democratic and ideological formation that Nehru had led…..But this… could not have happened had not Indira Gandhi changed the entire nature of politics. This new, populist politics turned political ideology ……. Into a mere electoral discourse, use of various slogans not meant to be translated into government policies…… During its great electoral victories in early 1970s, amidst the celebration, the Congress party as a political organisation died….. — Sudipta Kaviraj

a) What according to the author is the difference between the strategies of Nehru and Indira Gandhi?

b) Why does the author say that the Congress party ‘died’ in the seventies?

c) In what way, did the change in the Congress party affect other political parties also?

(a) Nehru led the party into federal and democratic manner while Indira Gandhi converted the party into centralised and undemocratic.

(b) Because there was change in the nature of congress, including electoral discourage and the use of various slogans to suppress the other.

(c) The change in ideologies of congress gave rise to several regional parties and moreover the split also added fire to the flame.