“In the new era of coalition politics, political parties are not aligning or realigning on the basis of ideology.” What arguments would you put forward to support or oppose this statement?

The organisation of coalition government has become a regular feature of Indian political system. It is a hard fact that in the era of coalition politics, political parties are not aligning or realigning on the basis of ideology. Non-principal alliance of political parties before and after the election is an important feature of Indian politics. To gain power or for some other interests political parties are always ready to have non-principled alliance. In 1989 elections, National Front emerged as a potent political force and no other party got a clear majority. National Front government was formed at the centre with outside support of BJP and some other political parties. After the 12th Lok Sabha elections in 1998, BJP led coalition government was formed. But the government could not last for thirteen months, because after the withdrawal of support by A.I.A.D.M.K., the BJP led coalition government failed to secure the confidence vote.

In the 13th Lok Sabha election in 1999, National Democratic Alliance consisting of 24 parties secured majority in the Lok Sabha. The policies and ideology of many political parties were opposite to the policies of other parties. National Democratic Alliance formed government under the leadership of Atal Bihari Vajpayee. The NDA was a large size alliance and it faced many problems. However, it completed its tenure under the capable leadership of Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

In April-May 2004, election for 14th Lok Sabha was held. The United Progressive Alliance led coalition government was formed under the Prime Minister ship of Dr. Manmohan Singh United Progressive Alliance is supported by the left parties from outside. Ideology of Congress and left parties i.e., CPI and CPI (M) are different and that is why many times left parties have threatened the UPA government to withdraw the support.

Non-principled alliance has given rise to the politics of opportunism and the politics of expediency. Almost all political parties are always ready to enter into an unholy alliance with other parties to achieve their selfish ends.