Analyse, with illustrations, why bhakti and Sufi thinkers adopted a variety of languages in which to express their opinions.

In Medieval India, Sanskrit and Persian was the language of the educated people or that of the court, the vast number of people living in villages conversed in their local and regional languages. It was, therefore needed that the Bhakti and Sufi saints preached in the languages of the common people to preach in close proximity and also to make these movement truly popular. This is manifested in the examples below:-

1. Traditional Bhakti saints composed the hymns in Sanskrit. Such hymns were sung on special occasions often within temples, these hymns attracted many people and few would dance and sing with them.

2. The Nayanars and the Alvars used to wonder in different states to preach their bhakti and Love towards god. They travelled far and wide. They met people of different villages. They would sing the verses in praise of god all in the local language associated with the people. Tamil was the wide spoken language. These saints established temples where prayers took place and devotional songs were composed by the Bhakti saints.

3. In the North India the language was different; they too took the language of common people. Guru Nanak created Shabad all in Punjabi; various other saints used their own language to express their thoughts and views.

4. Kabir Das who lived in Banaras, wrote in the local language which was close to Hindustani, he mostly used the words of the local dialect.

5. The Sufi tradition of singing on tombs carried on in the language of the local people only. The Shrines were the place of the Sama Sung in Hindustani or Hindavi.

6. Some other saints wrote in Kannada, Tamil and other languages too, the only motive was to gather and attract more and more people from different communities.

Thus, we are inclined to agree with the view that the saints of Bhakti and Sufi movement in many languages and the languages of the common people to connect with them.