Read any five of the sources included in this chapter and discuss the social and religious ideas that are expressed in them.

The period of the Bhakti movement and Sufi movement has been a very important an powerful moment to study the society and the religious practices of that time. There are many sources that contribute to the history of those days. Some of the major social and religious ideas expressed in the various sources of history are as follows:-

1. Architecture- there were different types of Stupas, temples, monasteries that were build in that period and of all of them symbolizes different types of religious belief, system and practices. Some of them exist as it is and enable us to look into the annals of history of those days with its beautiful architecture and history behind it. Some of them are in the form of ruins but they also throw light on the religion and society.

2. Composition of the Saints- Both Bhakti and Sufi compiled their song and hymns in various languages. The compilation throws light on the life on common men and village lifestyle they also impact the music and art of those days. They disregarded the social norms and were liberal with the unconventional ideas of the society and religion.

3. Biographies of the Saints- The biographies include the description of the society and prevalent believes and practices with their personal stories and believes. It is notable that such biographies may not be written form still they can give insight into the life of those days. Biographies of Kabir, Mirabai, Guru Nanak dev helps us to know the social and religious ideas that were practiced and believed by them. Most importantly their teachings and ideas are still widespread in the society.

4. Rise of the religious leaders- This period was also a boost for the people who were intermediaries between common man and god. Earlier it was only the Brahmins who got this role. Now many people from other background also joined in. To some extent it acted as a force that idealized equality and fraternity and opening doors to more people who broadly accepted the idea of religion and its practices.

5. Folklore- They are described in our art forms. It may be dance, painting, and sculptures. They all talk about the universal brotherhood of mankind and love for one and all. These folklores would originate in different in different language and theme it has its own morals which was celebrated in that area.